What are the CRM Benefits for Business?

What are the CRM Benefits for Business?

Running a business is a 24/7 job, and making sure that you stay on top of things 100% of the time is crucial to ensuring its success. Doing so requires having a system in place to help you manage your back end work and front end work at any given time. But doing this...
CRM and ERP Capabilities: How Can Salesforce Complement Your ERP?

CRM and ERP Capabilities: How Can Salesforce Complement Your ERP?

Let’s assume for a moment that you have not implemented any enterprise resource planning (ERP) system in your company. Do you know what it can do for you? For the unoriented, ERP is a business solution consisting of various software programmes that integrate all...
What Can a CRM Do for My Business? 3 Core Benefits to Expect

What Can a CRM Do for My Business? 3 Core Benefits to Expect

Whenever the discussions about maintaining a company database come up, most people imagine storing and sorting information using a network of computers that are connected to a giant local server. This method, however, became increasingly expensive and more challenging...